OPENTUNITY participates in the BRIDGE General Assembly 2024

OPENTUNITY participates in the BRIDGE General Assembly 2024


The BRIDGE General Assembly of 2024 convened on April 9th and 10th, embracing a hybrid format with sessions held both in Brussels and streamed online. Among the participants were representatives from the OPENTUNITY project, namely partners Joanneum Research and ETRA, actively participating in the session of the Working Group on Consumers and Citizens Engagement.

Throughout the assembly, participants were enriched with insights into the accomplishments of the BRIDGE Working Groups during the 2023-2024 term, delving into the invaluable lessons learned from completed BRIDGE projects and exploring various initiatives shaping the energy landscape. Engaging discussions ensued, examining avenues for enhancing the BRIDGE initiative and addressing cross-Working Group concerns.

Central to the discourse were the European Commission’s aspirations for fostering a competitive European industry, with particular emphasis on modernizing the grid to align with the demands of a dynamic energy ecosystem and advancing the development of artificial intelligence applications.

Looking ahead, the Consumer and Citizen Engagement Working Group is poised to intensify its focus on Energy Communities, and broaden stakeholder engagement beyond consumers and citizens to encompass regulators, aggregators, TSOs, DSOs, and others, while prioritizing inclusivity in user engagement efforts.

Meanwhile, the Data Management Working Group is forging ahead with the establishment and expansion of a comprehensive use-case repository, emphasizing practical tools, and refining the Reference Framework to bolster interoperability among home applications.

Similarly, the Business Models Working Group is redoubling its efforts on knowledge sharing within its domain and contributing to the development of the Common European Data space.

Lastly, the Regulations Working Group is capitalising on synergies with ETIP SNET/ISGAN, fostering closer collaboration among BRIDGE Working Groups, and aligning with ongoing policy initiatives through enhanced coordination efforts.