AI-Powered Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring
Embarking on AI-Powered Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring (NILM) Algorithms
Embarking on AI-Powered Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring (NILM) Algorithms
ETRA‘s role in this project extends beyond mere coordination; it also involves the delivery of innovative technologies and solutions to empower grid operators. One significant stride in this journey is ETRA’s work in the development of Artificial Intelligence-based Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring (NILM) algorithms. This algorithm belongs to the OPENFLEX innovation.
These advanced algorithms harness data derived from overall household energy consumption, enabling the inference of active appliances and their respective energy usage at any given moment. What sets NILM apart is its ability to achieve disaggregated energy consumption insights without the need for submetering, offering cost-effective benefits to end-users.
ETRA has conducted extensive research in this field, meticulously assessing the State of the Art. The most promising avenue for its work is the development of semi-supervised algorithms, an area that remains relatively uncharted in the realm of AI. Within the OPENTUNITY project, ETRA is committed to expanding knowledge in this domain, ultimately delivering new technology to European households built on this innovative and promising approach.